Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sticking With It

I sit at desks a lot.

When I'm in my dorm room you can often find me sitting here:

Hey, at least I have two monitors...

When I had to write a program for my computer science class project last semester I spent multiple tens of hours here:

I usually sat at the second one in from the left.

Whenever I have to study for a particularly intense test I usually find myself at one of the nooks on the third floor of Moody library at a desk that looks like this:

I once spent 40 hours in a desk much like this one during finals week.

All of the work that I have done in the wind tunnel lab so far has happened at this desk:
Oh Dell computers, where would the engineering department be without you?

This past summer I spent most of my work days sitting at this desk:

Cubicles really aren't so bad... (who am I kidding, they're awful)

Long story short: I sit a lot. During all of that sitting I sometimes find myself wondering if all of the study time is really worth it. Is sticking with engineering really worth all of the monotonous hours that I have to end up spending at desks? Wouldn't I be happier if I could just go outside and throw a frisbee for a little while? Maybe in the short term, but without all of the work I have put into engineering in my dorm room, at the library, in the computer lab, and at my cubicle I would miss out on things like...

Working with a wind tunnel.

Building part of a wind turbine for Engineers with a Mission.

Messing around with the space shuttle simulator.

Sitting in the Apollo 17 crew module.

I guess you could say that sitting at all of those desks has paid off a bit.

To top it all off I recently found out that USC is going to pay for me to come out and visit their graduate school of engineering in mid October. I'm thinking that's probably going to be a pretty fun trip.

I might not really enjoy the time I spend at all of those desks, but I sure do enjoy all of the benefits that those hours of study bring me.

So yeah, I guess it is worth it. Maybe I'll stick with this engineering thing after all...

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