Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My post about LEGOs inspired me to stop by the LEGO store that had recently opened at the mall near my apartment in Houston. They have a wall of bricks there that you can select different pieces from and then put into a cup. Once the cup is full you pay a set price for all of the bricks in the cup. Being the engineering student I am I couldn't help but think of the most efficient method of packing bricks into the cup, but I gave up about half way through and just started trying to fill the thing up with bricks I thought looked interesting. Long story short ....

Meet Frank the duck and his remote cotrolled propellor powered car.

I have no idea how often I'm going to have time to play with LEGOs this semester (judging from my first two days, not too much), but it is still fun to have them on my desk.

Excuse me while I go add wings to that car....

1 comment:

Winter said...

Is it wrong that I think that is wicked cool?