Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thoughts on engineering (Part 1)

Tonight I took a break from unpacking all of my worldly possessions to have dinner with one of my friends and his dad. (I'll call him Mr. S) Mr. S is an engineer who works with the military on a number of various projects. I really enjoy getting to talk to professional engineers about their jobs, and during dinner Mr. S talked about how the military had started trying to get design input from former aerospace engineers from Boeing in an effort to gain a fresh perspective on some of the problems that have come up in Afghanistan and Iraq. At one point during the conversation we talked about how even though some of the solutions that had been thought up were great by aerospace standards they did not even come close to being viable answers to the problems that the soldiers were having on the ground.

I think it is fascinating that even though there are tons of similarities across all of the engineering related industries there are still such large differences. It can be intimidating at times to think that I might get stuck in some branch of engineering that I am not particularly interested in, but in the end I really just look forward to diving in head first and finding out what makes me tick.

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