Sunday, January 22, 2012

Losing 20 lbs... one day at a time

I need to lose some weight. Not a lot, but I need to start shedding a few pounds this year if I'm going to have a long term healthy lifestyle. My BMI is a not so fantastic 26.4, which puts me pretty comfortably in the "overweight" category for a male of my height and age. I was exactly 200 lbs the day I wrote up my resolutions.

I have traditionally been a pretty skinny guy. In high school I tipped the scales at a massive 130 pounds and I didn't break 150 until after I started college. The majority of my weight gain came after I returned from my trip to China in the summer of 2009. I lost a lot of weight that summer due to sickness/food poisoning and went from around 160 to about 135 in one summer. When I got back home I started gaining weight and I haven't really stopped since then. Maybe my metabolism finally decided to level off. Maybe I've been less physically active. Who knows. Either way, I'm aiming to hit 180 pounds by the end of the year. That's about 1.7 lbs per month, which seems like a pretty reasonable goal to me.

I haven't made any large changes to my lifestyle yet, but I'm beginning to implement two strategies as of this week. First, I'm going to stop cleaning my plate and going back for seconds at meals. I think that portion control is an area that I've been doing pretty badly in these last couple of years, so that's at the top of my list. Second, I'm going to start running again. Today my wife and I went to the gym in our complex for the first time this year and running on the treadmill for 30 minutes felt great. It should be pretty easy to put three or four short workouts per week into my schedule this year. I used to run 3 miles per day in high school and I'd love to be back at that point by this time next year.

The final strategy I'm going to try involves using Runkeeper. Runkeeper is an up and coming health startup that is supposed to be pretty awesome. It lets you log activity and track tons of different stats. The engineer in me will hopefully be compelled to keep building data sets to analyze and track as the months go by. Only time will tell, but this should be pretty interesting.


Scott said...

How has this gone?

Scott said...

On another note, it took about 150 times longer to prove I was not a robot than to type up the comment