Sometimes I think that "Life's not fair" could almost be my mantra. I've had a number of "unfair" situations come up over the course of my (admittedly short) lifespan and it seems that as soon as one of them is nearing a resolution another one pops up. I'm not talking about some silly little "Poor me I didn't get the video game I wanted for my birthday" situations either, they are more like "I didn't get into the college I wanted to go to even though I had met every criteria for admissions ever published and had been recruited by them" kind of thing.
The good news is that things always end up being for the best. I (usually) come out of these situations more mature, more well rounded, and in a deeper spiritual place because of the adversity. If I had not come to Baylor I would have missed out on a lot of really great opportunities and my life would be completely different right now.
For some reason, that still does not make everything alright in the moment, right as the perceived "unfair" thing has happened. I know that what happened today isn't the end of the world, but I still let it ruin at least a couple of hours of my day. Maybe I've got some more growing to do...
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Maybe these unfair things will lead you to something better than you wished for ;)
Man, I did the same thing yesterday. Got shut down on stuff for my honors thesis pretty unfairly. But, just as you said, God uses everything for the best. "Closes a door to open a window." Hope you see your window soon.
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